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In the process of use and management of construction machinery filter elements, it will always cause a problem for everyone, whether the filter element should be replaced or not. How to judge the quality of the filter element? Based on years of production experience, PAWELSON® will analyze the following situations for you: When should the filter element be replaced?​

  Many users think that the bypass valve of the hydraulic oil filter and the safety valve of the system have the same function: after the hydraulic oil filter element is blocked, the bypass valve is opened, and the full flow of the turbid liquid in the system will pass through, which will affect the system. This is a mistake. awareness. When the bypass valve of the filter is opened, the pollutants blocked by the filter element will re-enter the system through the bypass valve. At this time, the pollution concentration of the local oil and the precision filter element will greatly damage the hydraulic components. The previous pollution control also will lose its meaning. Unless the system requires very high work continuity, choose a construction machinery filter element without a bypass valve. Even if a filter with a bypass valve is selected, when the pollution of the filter blocks the transmitter, it is necessary to clean or replace the filter element in time. This is the way to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system. In fact, when it is found that the filter element is blocked and an alarm is issued, it has already indicated that the filter element should be replaced. Insistence not to replace will cause certain damage to the equipment. It is recommended to replace it immediately if circumstances permit.

  PAWELSON® explained, how to judge the quality of construction machinery filter elements?

  Many users use the service life of the filter to judge the performance of the filter because they do not have oil contamination detection equipment. The speed of clogging of the filter shows the good or bad performance of the filter, both of which are one-sided. Because the filtration performance of the filter is mainly reflected by the performance indicators such as filtration ratio, dirt holding capacity, and original pressure loss, the longer the service life of the precision filter element, the better, only under the same working conditions and the cleanliness of the hydraulic system.

There are also users who think that the more precise the accuracy, the better the quality. Of course, this idea is also one-sided. The filter accuracy is too precise. Of course, the filtration blocking effect is better, but at the same time, the flow rate will not meet the requirements, and the filter element will be blocked faster. Therefore, the accuracy of the construction machinery filter element suitable for work is of good quality.

Post time: Mar-17-2022